The role of Marine flanges

 Marine flanges are flanges used on ships, and flanges are parts that connect pipes to pipes. Connected to the tube end. There are holes on the flange, which can be bolted to tightly connect the two flanges. The flanges are sealed with gaskets.

Flange connection is to fix two pipes, pipe fittings or equipment respectively on a flange plate first, then add flange pads between the two flange plates and fasten them with bolts to complete the connection. Some pipe fittings and equipment already have flanges, which are also flange connections.

It is a detachable connection. According to the connected components can be divided into container flanges and pipe flanges. According to the structure type, there are integral flanges, looper flanges and threaded flanges. Common integral flanges include flat welding flanges and butt welding flanges. The flat welding flange has poor rigidity and is suitable for occasions with a pressure p?4MPa; butt welded ship flanges are also called high neck flanges, which have greater rigidity and are suitable for occasions with higher pressure and temperature.



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