Special conditions for storage of small diameter thick wall steel tubes

    In the building materials industry, the development of various pipes is not thesame, because of their different characteristics, there is a certain distancebetween the pipes.

    The various characteristics of small-caliber thick-walled steel pipes are known toeveryone, but because of the connection of raw materials such as small-caliberthick-walled steel pipes, the storage of small-caliber thick-walled steel pipesrequires specific conditions.

    When storing small-caliber thick-walled steel pipes, we first need to choose asuitable place. We need to consider many external factors, the corrosivity ofsmall-caliber thick-walled steel pipes, etc., so the site must be cleaned.

    In places where boring ventilation and harmful gases are present, small-caliberthick-walled steel pipes cannot be presented. Weeds and other debris should beremoved in time, and the outer surface of small-caliber thick-walled steelpipes should be kept clean.




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