A Guide to Features of ERW steel pipe

    ERW is widely used for low pressure liquid delivery, such as water, gas, and oil. Oil drilling and machinery manufacturing, etc. Today, we’ll talk about features of steel pipes.

    1. ERW steel pipe residual stress is lower than other submerged arc welded pipe. ERW pipe deformation in the deformation process more fully, coupled with subsequent sizing flat ellipsoid, vertical ellipsoid change and reducing the residual stress of ERW pipe smaller. The physical test showed that the same specifications, the same material, ERW steel pipe cut along the axis of the axial and transverse incision after displacement is small.

    2. ERW steel pipe coating quality is good. Investment ERW production units, processes, and relatively high cost of processing steel pipe. ERW pipe of good quality and long life; ERW pipe surface quality, coating evenly, saving a large number of coating materials, pipe coating and low cost; high geometric dimensional accuracy of ERW pipe butt welding speed, on-site construction high efficiency, low spin-staff costs.

    3. ERW steel pipe’s surface quality is good, ERW steel pipe surface is smooth, beautiful.

    4. The standard requirements are basically the same geometric dimensions, but in-kind, ERW steel pipe sizing, straightening process, therefore, the geometric dimensions is accurate.

    5. ERW steel pipe weld seam is short, as long as the length of ERW steel pipe.

    6. The dissolved deposition welding of spiral submerged arc welded pipe, the type of defect is more, in addition to volume defects, as well as wire line trap. ERW pipe weld line only line defects and weld flat, easy to track the inspection process, and defects at the maximum reflection, once missing hidden, ultrasound reflects the strong, easy to detect.

    7. ERW steel pipes and the overall performance of the same, when the steel tube defects, pipe sentenced to waste. Experimental results show that the ERW pipe stress corrosion fatigue experiment life is long.




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